Building for the Future - Packhouse Refit

Building for the Future – Packhouse Refit

Building for the Future - Packhouse Refit

Increased production from our redeveloped orchards means more capacity is needed to get the fruit packed and delivered to our customers.  In June 2022 we began refurbishing our packhouse to handle the larger volume of fruit.

Finishing the harvest season in June is normally a opportunity to take a well earned break and prepare for the winter pruning. Not for a small group of our staff who are braving the freezing weather and enthusiastically helping with the packhouse refit in Winter 2022.

Fairfield Orchards is a progressive company.  We look towards utilising the latest technologies to improve efficiency and make life easier for everyone.  The older packhouse systems couldn’t keep pace with the increasing volume of fruit we are producing.  We’re completely reworking the packhouse and introducing cutting-edge modern equipment which includes the latest robotic packing and stacking technology.

Our staff in the new packhouse are looking forward to concentrating on improving quality and efficiency while having to do fewer of the traditionally tough physical jobs like stacking or grading.

We’re always looking for keen, technically-minded permanent staff. If you’re interested in a career in horticulture and the idea of working in a packhouse for part of the year interests you, please contact us.